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AXXIS® Product Information Sheet right-arrow

ZINCALUME® Product Information Sheet right-arrow

A summary of ZINCALUME® as it relates to the NZ Building Code.

Sustainability Snapshot right-arrow

Our Sustainability Snapshot 2022 provides an overview of the key steps we took and achievements we have made on our sustainability journey this year. The snapshot demonstrates how we are focusing our actions to deliver on key sustainability outcomes including; safe and inclusive workplaces, environment and climate action, responsible products & supply chain and strong communities.

Sustainability sits at the heart of our business; it is important to us in every facet of our operations includ…

Contour Roofing Nelson LTD right-arrow

41 Venice Place
New Zealand

Applications are now open for our 2023/24 graduate intake into the New Professionals Program right-arrow

Applications are now open for our 2023/24 graduate intake into the New Professionals Program.

Media right-arrow

For media enquiries please contact:

Vicki Woodley, External Affairs Manager 

Download our media fact sheet here >

Electric Arc Furnace right-arrow

Learn more about the planned installation of an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) within the next 3 years, as part of the move to lower carbon production.

Project Bespin - New Mining Solutions right-arrow

As a company built on the innovation of turning sand into steel more than 50 years ago, it is no surprise that there are always new innovative ways of doing things to improve efficiency and support our commitment to retain a local steel industry as a strategic asset for New Zealand.

New Zealand Steel Welcomes BlueScope Board right-arrow

The BlueScope Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team visited the New Zealand operations in March. This was particularly significant as it is the first time they have had the opportunity to do so since 2017, a result of cancellations with lockdowns in recent years.

Steltech beams strengthening Rodin Cars' new Facility right-arrow

As the world entered into the unknown of COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions Rodin Cars confidently began drafting plans for an enormous expansion of its design and production facility.