Glenbrook Consent Applications

In April and June 2021, NZ Steel lodged two applications with Auckland Council to replace existing site wide resource consents relating to activities at its Glenbrook integrated steel mill. These applications were for Discharges to Air and Discharges to Water.

The issue of new resource consents will provide for continuing operations of the NZ Steel business.

Our Environmental Team worked with environmental consultants to prepare two Assessment of Environmental Effects. One relating to the site discharges to air and the other relating to discharges of treated process water and stormwater to the coastal marine area (Waiuku Estuary) and discharge of treated stormwater to on-site freshwater streams. This process involves evaluation of the extensive historic compliance monitoring data set, additional marine and freshwater ecological assessments and other technical evaluations. The two Assessment of Environmental Effects reports will inform Councils evaluation of the NZ Steel resource consent applications.

July 2024 Update


The air consent application process is largely complete, with the consent currently with the Environment court for final decisions on conditions issued following the hearing in October 2022.


The water consent application is due for public notification in July 2024, there were several additional information requests (S92) that were required to be answered prior to public notification since the original application lodged in June 2021, these related to inclusion of the Electric Arc Furnace activities.

When resource consents come up for renewal there is an opportunity for NZ Steel to review its performance with the Iwi and the local community and other key stakeholders. If you would like to enquire about our consenting process, please contact us.

Or if you would like to know more about the process of applying for a consent application and how you can be involved, the Ministry for the Environment website has a useful guide outlining each stage of the process in detail. To view, click here>

Through the process of evaluating the environmental effects of an activity, the Council will set out specific standards, limits and requirements to ensure that any adverse effects on the local environment are avoided or minimised. New resource consents will then be issued setting out specific conditions which NZ Steel will need to meet, including measurement and monitoring of all discharges.