Alongside a new roof, Summerville Brothers and SteelServ re-instated the carpark behind the whare kai, and Fulton Hogan kindly sealed the access road between the whare oranga and the early childhood centre. Several of our employees joined whanau in a working bee on Saturday 31st October and what a difference they’ve made to the marae – gardening, painting and rubbish being removed. The re-roof project also provided the perfect backdrop to involve local high school students with an interest in trades or roofing, to compete in a roofing games challenge organised by Rod Newbold, NZ Steel Product Launch Manager.
New Zealand Steel has a long-standing relationship with Ngati Te Ata as local iwi covering Waiuku and the Manukau Heads, which neighbours the Glenbrook Steel Mill and Waikato North Head mining operations. The General Manager of Mining Services, Grant Huggins, said “The Tahuna Marae working bee was a great success. We’re proud of our contribution to this project. The addition of a COLORSTEEL® roof and some new roading is a great result which will benefit the Tahuna Marae community for many years to come.”
New Zealand Steel takes pride in supporting the community that surrounds our business and is home to a large percentage of our employees.